Since I decided to create a blog I also looked into some interesting facts about this online entity. I read that 8,000-17,000 new blogs are created every single day. That works out as one created somewhere in the world every 5.8 seconds. 36 per cent irritated friends or family with their musings, while an incredible 12 per cent attracted the attention of lawyers with their venomous commentary.
According to the data from Weblog search engine Technorati, 45 per cent of the weblogs have not had a post in over three months, I'll probably join this percentage of people because I can't sit on my arse in front of a computer for hours on end. There are other things to do in life so they will always come first, still I'll try my best to write something every day, but I have a feeling with all the will in the world, just like New Year's resolutions, I'm setting myself up for failure or piles.
Still, there are a significant portion of people out there who are still posting each day. Yay, keep the dream alive brothers & sisters. The number of conversations are increasing to over 275,000 individual posts a day. On average, more than three blogs are updated every second. Which goes to show you there is a lot of shit to talk and write about.
A survey run by MIT conducted earlier this year stated that a majority of bloggers identified themselves on their own sites: 55 per cent of respondents provided their real names, while another 20 per cent provided some variant of the real name: first name only, first name and initial of surname, or just a pseudonym.
Anonymity would appear to be the way to go. Keeping schtum as to your real identity would protect you from becoming one of the 360,000 people per year who allegedly receive subpoenas as a result of their blogging. It would also protect the 1,080,000 bloggers who annually piss off their loved ones and acquaintances. Well this kind of makes sense to me, in this day and age it's not really a good idea to upset the status quo by accusing " the man " of all manner of crimes and then freely revealing your true identity online. Thats' just stupid, although I suspect the government or bad individuals out there who really want to know your secret identity have lots of ways and means at their disposal to find out who you are. So how secretly can you blog in a modern fandangled world such as this?
After doing the research today I have become aware of all the blogging pitfalls. With this useful knowledge in hand I consider myself forewarned and I will try to be fair with my assessements of people and will try very hard to avoid sensitive subject matter at all costs. Yeah right!
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