My meandering exploration of the digital realm, otherwise known as the world wide web, has brought me presently to this place... a free web service hosted by Google for bloggers. I resisted the temptation to... no, scrub that; I ignored the possibilities of setting up my own blog page because I was merrily posting my thoughts and opinions on message boards everywhere on the net. I saw no need to duplicate the same thing under the guise of what basically amounts to a personal journal for all to see and read.
It's true, web forums come and go quite rapidly and anything valuable you may have had to contribute to a topic in one of a thousand multiple threads may well be permanently deleted forever. This is the chance you take when making use of those available services. The better ones work very efficiently and a good search function can bring back one's online past at a dizzying speed. If one creates a good rapport with the other users or posters on these message boards then the experience can be very rewarding and enlightening, unfortunately, most of the time it's a just a pain in the arse dealing with replies from morons who create multiple user names to push their agendas forward. Anarchy usually ensues and people, instead of debating, start arguing, then insulting one another.
I have to admit I didn't see the beauty in having a permanent platform to voice ideas and views until recently. To me the blog culture represented another outlet for the narcissistic tendencies of a younger dystopian MySpace/Face Book/Leet Speaking/Text Messaging generation. I wasn't interested in pushing my ego, my vanity, my conceit on everyone else. Plenty of people do that already, but I did need a place to rant about some of the injustices in the world that make me rather mad. This is as good a place as any to set up camp to bitch and moan especially since plenty of my friends and family kept telling me I needed to do something like this... a place I could vent all of my pent up frustration with the world and perhaps furnish my knowledge and give insight to subjects I have special interests in unto others.
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