Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Nouveau Nerd  

Nouveau:  French - New.  
Nerd:  A person, typically described as being overly intellectual, obsessive, or socially impaired.

This is another word I felt compelled to come up with to describe the flood of new nerd and geek writers and podcast/television/radio personalities who consistently get their facts wrong. It's okay to make mistakes from time to time that's the qualities of being human and not Vulcan, but these people head influential websites and mainstream shows that somehow set themselves up to be some sort of figurehead and "expert" on all things geek and nerdy. They're writing or fronting news articles for the benefit of their own interest demographic; you'd think they'd fact check or at least do some homework before presenting their final drafts or presentations to the world. These people tend to acquire their status as the movers and shakers of these communities via good connections in the media industry or they wriggle their way into such a position via another discipline... they're either comedians, struggling actors or writers...a good example of this is someone like Chis Hardwick who constantly makes mistakes on his Nerdist television and podcast shows. I'm sure he does have a passion for Doctor Who, Star Wars and The Walking Dead, but time and time again he has proven insufficient knowledge on the most basic of topics on these subjects. Nouveau Nerds who are thrown into the limelight often lack the humility to admit to their limits. The socially impaired aspect of their psyche become the dominant leading force. They simply want to seem smarter and more informed than they really are to gain total credibility in the geek/nerd communities. 

There is a secondary Nouveau Nerd species that has emerged from all things geek and nerd becoming cool in the eyes of society; these are the people who rarely picked up a comic book, watched any science fiction/horror television shows or movies. They had a casual interest, but not an obsessive love for the stuff they read or watched. Since it's become cool to be a geek or a nerd these people have stepped out of the shadows utilising the abundance of information available to ride the popularity wave. They are nothing more than posers who joined the assembled hordes of geeks and nerds much later in their lives. A typical Secondary Nouveau Nerd is someone who thinks what is presented to them in programs such as the Big Bang Theory which tends to portray geeks and nerds as grossely caricatured and stereotypical characters as fact. 

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