Wednesday, August 28, 2013

50th Anniversary of "I Have a Dream" Speech.

I also have a dream probably shared by many of you...a dream of a world where women are treated equally and with utter respect; a place where animals are not tortured in lab experiments and kept in torturous conditions for their milk and eggs or eventually killed for their flesh or fur. 

A planet where humans have become so evolved we've stamped out ageism, ableism, homophobia, elitism and of course racism.

An Earth where we nurture and tend to our enviroment, not destroy it and pretend there is an unlimited supply of gifts nature has to offer us.

A reality where people all have a roof over their heads and no one goes starving or hungry and free medical care is not frowned upon and is a basic human right.

A global setting where war and conflict is considered archaic and acceptance and fairness are part of the normal mind set.

A point in this blue dot's history in which governments do the right thing for their people with zero financial influence from the big corporations that make us all work harder and have less and less to show for it.

Like I said it's a dream; I will die knowing this fantasy for humanity will never come to fruition because greed and hatred have poisoned a vast majority of the movers and shakers in the international community.

To quote a young John Connor from the movie Terminator 2: Judgement Day..."We're not going to make it, are we?"

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